December 23, 2019

The 6 Best Small Business Blogs for Financial Information


  • Small Business Ideas

  • Small Business Tips

We have compiled a list of the best small business blogs for financial information. By frequently reading these blogs, you can gain insights on the latest trends in the business world. These aren’t the only finance blogs available, but they are some of the best. This list was chosen with diverse aspects of finance in mind. We wanted to provide a good mix to help you learn what you need without having to validate whether the source is credible. We’ve done that for you. We encourage you to seek out the advice of financial professionals when faced with situations regarding your business. You’ll find the information in these blogs helpful and insightful. However, this information may not contain solutions to every situation your business faces. 

The Top Small Business Blogs Written On Finance Topics:

1. Business Credit Blogger

If you're looking for tips about establishing your business credit or how to get funding for your business initiatives, Business Credit Blogger can help. It has timely articles on topics related to these areas of finance. The blog was started in 2005 by Marco Carbajo, whose goal was to take the confusion out of establishing credit for businesses. If you aren’t sure what Net 30 accounts are, you can find information on that topic. Do you know the difference between business credit cards and corporate ones? You’ll discover that in this blog, as well. In addition, the blog offers helpful resources such as a business lease calculator and a business loan calculator. There's also a section on crowdfunding, which business owners often overlook when seeking funding. When it comes to business credit, Business Credit Blogger should be one of your go-to resources to help answer many of your questions.

2. Small Business Bonfire

Small Business Bonfire informs business owners about several categories relevant to managing a business.  The blog has something for every business owner. If you're looking for financial information, they have a section for this. In addition, you can find information on marketing strategies, running an online business, among other categories. For the financial section, you can find posts about how to know when your business is in trouble, or how to transfer your financial information from a spreadsheet to an accounting package. For the busy small business owner, you sign up for their newsletter. The advantage of signing up is you’ll know when new entries are published.

3. Evergreen Small Business

The one topic that every business owner must tackle is taxes. However, taxes are too complicated for many to handle, and the rules change often. For this reason, it pays to learn about how taxes can affect your business. One blog that's dedicated to teaching small business owners about taxes is Evergreen Small Business. The site was created by Stephen Nelson, who is a CPA. What types of topics does Evergreen Small Business write about? As an example, Stephen recently wrote about the impact of Elizabeth Warren’s tax proposals should she be elected president. As another example, if you've ever wondered how corporations are taxed, it depends on whether you elect to form a C corporation or an S corporation. This topic is covered on the blog. Speaking of corporations, if you're thinking of forming one, you can learn about how to set it up based on your state and how to form an LLC or a corporation.

4. Funding Gates Blog

Imagine how incredible it would be for your business to have all your customers pay on time and never have to worry about them defaulting. You wouldn’t have to worry about using a collection agency to recoup your losses. Unfortunately, the world of business isn’t so smooth. Some customers will pay late, while others won’t pay at all. These can be stressful situations for business owners. While the blog Funding Gates can’t prevent your customers from these credit events, they can help you manage them. Funding Gates sells accounting software and offers tips that can help business owners when things don’t go as planned with customers. The blog offers tips to help businesses reduce the chances of customers experiencing negative credit events. That may help reduce the time for you to spend trying to obtain funds. If the negative credit events happen with your customers, though, you can use Funding Gate's published articles on how to craft collection letters. In addition to finance articles, Funding Gates can help you stay on top of other topics such as sales and marketing, customer service, and employee morale. All of these topics will serve you as you grow your operations.

5. The Small Business Administration Blog

It's appropriate for the Small Business Administration (SBA) blog to be on this list of small business blogs as it has many helpful resources for entrepreneurs. The SBA is responsible for trying to help business owners succeed, and they work with companies in a wide range of industries. The SBA is best known for loan guarantees from approved lenders. What is less-known is the agency provides tips through their learning center, which has tutorials, courses, and training on how to manage your business. The agency has several business guides that small business owners can use to learn about several topics. For instance, when you need to perform a competitive analysis, you can find guides, including links on where to go for information about your competitors. The agency has a blog section that offers tips from SBA experts. The blog covers many topics, including financial matters. You can view these blogs by expert, industry, or by the latest news from the agency.

6. Fora Financial Blog

At Fora Financial, we provide timely advice to small business owners. We understand that financing options for businesses can be a complicated area. As a business owner, you're busy running your business, and you don’t have time to track down answers to these complicated subjects. That’s where we come in. On our blog, you'll learn about the various funding options you have and the steps to take when pursuing them. In addition, we cover other finance topics such as credit card reviews, budgeting tips, and information on credit scores. We cover more than just finance topics, though. For example, if you want to learn how to improve your customer service during the holidays, we have tips on how to do this. Are you currently experiencing challenges with your business reputation? We offer information on that topic, too. If you're interested in pursuing business financing, our Capital Specialists will examine your situation and guide you towards a funding solution that makes sense for your business. Get your free quote today.

Honorable Mentions

The blogs mentioned in this post all have a wide range of financial information. However, this list isn't exhaustive, so we're also providing a few more suggestions in the honorable mention section below. All Business - This blog covers topics including business financing. For instance, if you want to learn how to give your business a cash health check-up, you can find that in this blog. FreshBooks Blog - Many small business owners are familiar with FreshBooks software, which includes an accounting package for freelancers and small businesses. However, you may not be aware of the company's blog resources. On the FreshBooks blog, the company offers helpful accounting advice. For instance, one article that many business owners will find useful before tax season is on how to choose a good accountant. The content covers the traits you should look for in an accountant and how to select one that is the right fit for your company. Noobpreneur - While this blog caters to entrepreneurs that are starting a business, any business owner will find useful tips on the site. The blog helps businesses with issues relating to their operations. However, it also offers personal financial advice on topics like applying for loan, selecting insurance, and debt settlement.